Labor and Employment

Employers Can Be Held Accountable Using Class Action Litigation 

Large employers spend a lot of money making sure they run a profitable workforce to make money for their companies. What is surprising is that many of them try to take shortcuts and take advantage of their employees.
Yet many employers are sued in class actions for violating employment laws and labor laws.

Getting Justice at Work

When large groups of employees join together to fight against their employer it is usually done as a class action. Often a single employee will have difficulty standing up against their company alone. Especially if the company is a large one and they have a lot of money and lawyers to assure the employee has fewer rights. So usually it is more powerful to join many employees together in a crusade against an employer.

That is why class action lawsuits are valuable. We have a lot of experience with lawsuits and litigating against employers. Our interest is to make sure the employee has rights and that an employer does not harm the employee.

Generally there are three main types of class actions for employment and labor problems.

The first one is called misclassified and exempt cases.
The second one is called wage and hour or overtime/break cases.
The third one is called discrimination.

Misclassified and Exempt Employees

When companies incorrectly classify an employee as an exempt employee or as a contract worker, the business saves money.

Wage and Hour or Overtime and Break Cases
Some people call these meal and rest break laws but they are also related to overtime and wage and hour cases.

When a company treats people differently based on their age, sex, national origin, race, or disability, this is a discrimination case.

We look forward to helping you organize and fight against an unfair employment or labor situation.  Contact us today to learn about your legal rights.

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