Improper Charges

Consumers encounter hidden charges and fees every day in many business and financial transactions. Many of these fees are small amounts of money that consumers were not informed about and did not agree to pay.

It does not make sense for one person who experiences a minimal amount of financial loss to file a lawsuit based on these improper charges and fees. However, if hundreds or thousands of plaintiffs all join together in a class action lawsuit, the litigation helps consumers get their money back and prevents companies from being improperly enriched.

Examples of small fees that have or could give rise to class actions include interest charges that consumers did not expect; mortgage company fees; fees charged by cell phone companies including AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, U.S. Cellular and T-Mobile; and fees charged by cable and satellite companies including DirecTV, Cox, Verizon, Comcast, CenturyLink, Time Warner Cable, Frontier Cable, Optimium, NetZero, EarthLink, Cablevision, SuddenLink and Windstream.

If you have been charged unfair fees by any company or service provider, please contact us.

Rate Increases and Insurance
Insurance companies routinely increase policy premiums as a result of circumstances a policyholder has no control over. When insurers impose unfair fees on many policyholders, a class action lawsuit can be used to hold the insurer responsible for the inappropriate charges.

Bank Fees
Getting a refund of an unfair bank charge is an uphill battle. A class action is an effective way for many bank users to join together to recover money they were charged inappropriately. If your bank imposed unexpected charges and fees you did not agree to, please contact us.

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